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Ag One Foundation

Ag One Endowment Funds

Endowed funds through the Ag One Foundation support students, faculty and programs in the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology. Today, there are over $33 million in endowed funds and more than $1 million will be awarded during the academic year. Ag One scholarship funds are granted through the general University Scholarships program maintained by the Division of Student Affairs.


By department 


Endowed Funds


Ag Foundation Fresno State

Ag One General

Marilyn Pool Allen

Allied Grape Growers - Robert "Bob" McInturf

American Vineyard Magazine

American Vineyard/Vegetables West Magazines, Richard Malcolm Memorial

Ted L. and Rosalie C. Anderson Memorial

Bryan R. Anthony Memorial


Ed Baloian


Jesse T. Bell

Manuel and Lidia Bettencourt Memorial Endowment

Mahendra and Surjit Bhangoo and Family

Eshan Bhardwaj Memorial

Nick W. and Els Blom Family

Ross Borba, Sr. Family

Dean Charles Boyer

Shirley Harnish Brinker Quasi

Britton Family

Nick Buratovich - Superb BBQ Committee


Cal Almond/Morven Partners

California Creamery Operators Association

California Dairy Industries Association, San Joaquin Section

Antonio "Tony" Campos

Jack and Ann Chappell Memorial

Mike Ciccarelli Memorial

Bradley Edward Coleman Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Clovis Community Agriculture

Vernon Conrad

Dave Cosyns Memorial

Sidney B. “Sid” Cox

Penn Cummings Memorial - T.G. Schmeiser

William C. “Bill” and Sharon Cutting


DiBuduo Family

Katherine Sigera and Teja Singh Dillon Family

Gary Dinsdale Memorial

Chris Dobbins, DVM

Helder and Cindy Domingos

Lloyd Dowler


Joe, Evelyn, and Michael Enos Memorial


Carl and Barbara Fanucchi

Adelaide K. Fichtner Family

Gerald and Marion Forrest

Jesse and Mabel Forrest Memorial

Max and Verda Foster Memorial

David L. and Bernice Fraysher

Fresno Cotton Wives

Fresno County Farm Bureau 

Fresno Equipment Company, Mark Vucovich

K.C. Fugelsang/C.J. Muller Enology


Elmo M. Giampaoli Memorial

Bert Giguiere

Rob and Jan Gilbert

Robert J. Glim

John and Carol Gorter

Alcidia Freitas Gomes Endowment 

Gary Grannis Memorial


Ralph and Lisa Hackett

Dr. John W. Hagen

Halemeier Family

Earl and Beverly Hall - Rodeo Team Endowment 

Jess and Joan Hansen

Walter W. Harpain Memorial

Dr. John C. Harris 

H. J. Heinz Company 

Linda Tayian and Mark Hurst Family


George F. Ilg Family

Isheim Family

Roy Isom Memorial


Ryan and Ashley Jacobsen

Rodger B. Jensen

Bill Jones Leadership Development Program

Bud, Dee and Lowell Jordan Research Support

Lowell A. Jordan and Jordan Family


Harry P. Karle Family

Arden S. Kashishian Memorial

Earl and Beverly Knobloch

Earl and Beverly Knobloch Excellence Fund

Clyde V. and Jessie E. Kohrs Memorial

Harry Kubo

James C. Kuhtz Memorial

Richard and Saralee Kunde - Sonoma Grapevines, Inc.


John P. "Phil" Larson

Donald D. and Dr. Ronald L. Laub Endowment


Fernando C. “Fred” Machado

Dick Markarian

Dennis Martin Memorial

Matoian Family Farms

Meat Science Laboratory Scholarship

Edna and Henry Metzler

Meyers Livestock Judging Team

Dr. Dwight Minami

Rick and Marlene Miyasaki

Dr. Harry B. Moordigian, Jr.

Frank Moradian Memorial

Henry and Ann Moradian Memorial

Karen Morais Memorial

Raymond J. and Mary Helen Maul

Tim T. Murphy Endowed Scholarship


Evins R. Naman

Dr. Dennis and Susan Nef

Richard Norton Memorial


Olam Spices

Robert O'Rourke Memorial


P-R Farms, Inc.

Parnagian Family

Don and Terri (Forrest) Parriera

Karnig and Leon S. Peters

Leon S. Peters Foundation

Samuel Kenneth "Butch" Peters

Richard Peters

Dr. Vincent E. Petrucci

Juliana and Carl L. Pherson

Dino Pollastrini


Ron Radoicich Memorial

Raisin Bargaining Association

Raisin Wives of California

Ranchers Cotton Oil - Earl J. Cecil

Virgil E. Rasmussen

Fred Rau

RCO Ag Credit, Inc.

RCO Ag Credit, Inc./ Glen N. Janzen

Pat and Vinci Ricchiuti

Rodeo Team

Dr. Richard Rogers Memorial

Ed Rose - 25th Anniversary Ag One Founders

Professor Edwin J. Rousek

Fred R. Ruiz


S & J Ranch

Ronald R. Samuel 

San Joaquin Valley Winemakers

Jason and Nicole Sanders - Rodeo Team Endowment 

Saviez Family, Francois Saviez and Domenico Barberis Memorial

Pete Scott/NAMA Ag Business

Robert Sinclair Scott, Scott Labs

Robert J. Selkirk Memorial

Dr. Charles M. Smallwood Family

Galen Smith Memorial

Earl and Muriel Smittcamp

Joe Souza

Walter E. “Dub” Staley

Stanislaus County Alumni & Friends

Stanislaus Farm Supply

Dr. Winston Strong Irrigation


Gar and Esther Tootelian

Paul Toste Family Farms

Nancy Shafer Treat Memorial


Dr. Marinus Van Elswyk Memorial

William R. & Joan Verdugo


Dr. Robert Wample

Jack and Pat Wilkey and Wilkey Industries 

Dean Emerita Sandy Witte Family

Women on Wine, Phylloxera Research

Women on Wine, Riverside

Jack Woolf

James P. and Marjorie N. Wulf


Fred Zurcher Memorial


Additional endowments that support students, faculty and programs in the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology

Mary K. Alexander Memorial

Awarded to an undergraduate majoring in Child Family & Consumer sciences or Food Science and Nutrition

Alpha Zeta Active Member

Awarded to an active Alpha Zeta member

Richard J. Armas Memorial Agricultural Scholarship

Awarded to an active member of the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity

Kirk A. Baucher Memorial Award

Awarded to students in the Jordan College

Dorothy D. Bliss Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to students majoring in Industrial Technology

William H. Bliss Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a student majoring in Industrial Technology

Lee Brand/Burchell Brand Nursery

Awarded to students majoring in Plant Science with an interest in Tree Fruit or Nut Culture

O. Martin Braun Scholarship and Leadership Award

Awarded to a sophomore student majoring in Horticulture

CSUF Viticulture Club Scholarship

Awarded to students majoring in Plant Science and active in the Viticulture Club

Coachella Valley Growers

Awarded to minority students majoring in agriculture

Ethel M. Corn Memorial

Awarded to students majoring in agriculture

Gary L. Crooker Memorial

Awarded to a junior and senior majoring in Ag Business, Animal Science, Ag Education, Child, Family & Consumer Sciences, Food Science & Nutrition, Industrial Technology, Plant Science, or Enology

M. P. Dennison Memorial

Awarded to students majoring in Agricultural Business with preference given to students who indicate a desire to own or operate a farm in the future

Fred & Freda Dietz Memorial

Awarded to a junior or senior with interest in water management or irrigation

Eugene A. Egan Agriculture Scholarship

Awarded to a Jordan College student

Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Ensminger


Awarded to a Junior, Senior or Graduate student majoring in Animal Science 

Walter and Lillian Farrell

Awarded to students from Fresno County

Fig Garden Farm Bureau

Awarded to a graduate of a Fresno County High School majoring in agriculture

Rodney A. Foppiano Memorial

Awarded to students majoring in Enology or Viticulture

Fresno Cotton Exchange Scholarship

Awarded to an entering student from a cotton growing area of California with an interest in cotton growing, ginning, merchandising or technical allied fields

John & Rose and Charles & Rose Garabedian

Awarded to Viticulture students with an interest in grape/raisin production

Garabedian Family (Mike, Helen & Robert)

Awarded to graduate student researching viticulture with emphasis in raisin processing 

Gerner Bros Lone Star Farm Bureau Center Grant

Awarded to a student majoring in Viticulture or Enology

William W. Hansen Memorial

Awarded to students who demonstrate interest in the dairy industry or Ag Education

John M. & Cora G. Harvey

Awarded to graduate students in the Jordan College

John Indart Memorial

Awarded to students majoring in Animal Science or Animal Husbandry

Tom Ishimoto Memorial

Awarded to students majoring in Plant Science

Rodger and Margaret Jensen

Awarded to students majoring in Agricultural Business or Plant Science 

Elizabeth Konigmacher Memorial 

Awarded to students majoring in Child, Family & Consumer Sciences or Food Science & Nutrition

Harry and Nevart Moordigian

Awarded to Junior or Senior undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Viticulture and Enology.

For More Information, Please Visit the Harry and Nevart Moordigian Endowment Page.
J. Posey Miller Memorial

Awarded to two students majoring in agriculture

Ray Provost Memorial Agricultural Scholarship

Awarded to an agriculture student

Nisei Farmers League Kubo
Marc Radin Agricultural Scholarship 

Awarded to students majoring in agriculture who express viticulture as their career objective

Fred P. Roullard
Sparks, Richard and J Henderson Sparks
Homer & Billie Sterios

Awarded to students in the Jordan College

Raymond Thomas Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a student who graduated from the San Joaquin Valley and plans to major in agriculture

Verne T. Unger Memorial 

Awarded to agriculture students that are graduates from Parlier or Selma High School

Valley Growers Local of Sunsweet Growers, Inc. Scholarship

Awarded to Junior or Senior students majoring in Horticulture

Samuel P. Vallis Enology Scholarship

Awarded to California native students majoring in Viticulture and Enology with intent to seek employment in the California varietal wine industry upon graduation

Senator Rose Ann Vuich

Awarded to incoming Freshman from Tulare or Fresno counties

Senator Rose Ann and William Vuich

Awarded to agriculture majors in the Smittcamp Honors College


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