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Ag One Foundation


Our Mission

In 1979, several faculty, alumni and friends of the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology had a million-dollar idea -- to start a foundation that would benefit, promote and support the college and its programs.



Plant science student graduating

150 The Ag One Foundation has more than 150 named endowment funds.
$33 M More than $33 million in endowed funds is invested with the Fresno State Foundation.
5,500 Nearly 5,500 students have received scholarships and program support.

Deep roots, bright futures

Discover your passion and define your impact at the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology at Fresno State - the flagship university in the top agricultural region in the world. Your gift to the Ag One Foundation empowers the next generation of agricultural leaders to innovate and excel through scholarship support, hands-on learning opportunities, and programs that enrich their educational experience. 

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Alcidia Freitas Gomes and the Jordan family celebrating major gift

Give to the Alcidia Freitas Gomes Endowment

Alcidia Freitas Gomes, executive director of the Ag One Foundation and senior director of development for the Jordan College for the last 30 years, is retiring soon. Alcidia has successfully helped raise more than $120 million in support of students and programs and her leadership has left an indelible mark across the Jordan College.

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Jim Gomes

In memory of James A. "Jim" Gomes

James A. "Jim" Gomes passed away on January 18 after a battle with Parkinson's disease. Jim served on the Ag One board from 2010 to 1016. He graduated from Fresno State in 1974 in dairy manufacturing and was instrumental in establishing the ice cream plant on campus. His mentor was Dairy Professor Bob Selkirk. He helped to establish the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity at Fresno State and was pin #5. Jim's career took him to Producers Dairy, Foremost Foods, Knudsen and Leprino Foods. He was president and CEO of Danish Creamery when in 1999 it merged with California Milk Producers and San Joaquin Valley Dairymen. He served as CEO and later senior vice president of marketing until his retirement. In 2005 Jim was recognized by the Fresno State Alumni Association as the Top Dog for the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology for his leadership in the dairy processing industry. A memorial service will be held on February 13 at 11 am at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Lemoore. For Jim's obituary or to give in his memory, click on the link below.

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Mar. 19 - Common Threads 

Apr. 24 - NSJV Alumni and Friends Dinner

May 8 - Stanislaus County Alumni and Friends Dinner

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            Ag One Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3).  Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Our tax ID number is 94-2685442.                                           

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