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Department of Viticulture and Enology

Research - Viticulture and Enology Research Center (VERC)

Estaban Garcia pouring wine for research.

Faculty and staff conduct grape and wine research through the Viticulture and Enology Research Center (VERC) in the Department of Viticulture and Enology on campus.  

VERC is one of three research centers under the auspices of the California Agricultural Technology Institute within the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology.   

VERC is widely recognized as an applied research and education powerhouse for the California raisin, table, and wine grape, and wine industry.  Through partnerships including industry, state, and government entities, faculty and research scientists conduct solution-driven research and disseminate knowledge to the grape and wine industry and community.  

Students may enhance their academic careers by working under the direction of faculty and research scientists on projects designed to benefit the grape and wine industry.  In addition to Fresno State's Master's degree program in viticulture and enology, we also have several industry-funded research assistantships available each year to interested students who work and learn under the direction of our research faculty and staff.

With a history of industry support, the Viticulture and Enology Research Center and Department of Viticulture and Enology building provides research laboratories, administrative and faculty offices, meeting space, and a specialized viticulture and enology library that is available to the campus community and public. Other unique facilities used for research and teaching include the raisin processing plant, research winery, commercial winery, and campus vineyard.   

Learn more at our Viticulture and Enology Research Center