Department of Plant Science
John Williams, Ed.D.
Lecturer - Mechanized Agriculture
Office: Ag 104B Office Hours: Spring 2020, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays
Phone: (559) 278-8869
Teaches undergraduate courses in agricultural equipment construction, ag machinery and equipment, power equipment safety, power systems technology, small gas and diesel engines and tractors. Graduated from the Fresno State agricultural education program in 2008, and rejoined the program as a faculty lecturer in January 2015. Is a certified Briggs and Stratton master service technician and has served in many teaching and leadership positions within the California Agriculture Teachers Association. Served as a teacher at Madera South High School from 2009 through 2017. Advisor for Mechanized Agriculture Club. Recipient of 2019-20 San Joaquin Region CATA Award for Teaching Excellence. Joined the department full-time in fall of 2017.