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Department of Plant Science

Fresno State Jordan College Dean Rolston St. Hilaire meets with campus nursery manager Ernesto Duran and student assistants Jacob Aguilar, Tonantzin Ortiz and Eric Shergill.

Department Facilities

The Department of Plant Science has research facilities in the areas of Plant Health, Soil/Water, Agronomy, Horticulture, and Mechanized Agriculture. Plant Health facilities include temperature and light-controlled incubators for conducting pathology and entomology research, as well as microscopes for anatomical and morphological examination of pathogens or insects. Soil and Water research is conducted at the Graduate Laboratory which has field equipment for soil and plant sampling along with laboratory equipment for sample extraction and soil, plant tissue, and water analysis. The Horticulture Unit contains facilities for plant propagation, greenhouses and a tissue culture laboratory. The 1,000 acre university farm located on the campus allows for student research in the orchard, vineyard, vegetable crop, field crop, and organic units. Field research is also conducted on nearby farms.