Ongoing and Completed Projects
Common chickweed (Stellaria media) germination ecology, ALS herbicide resistance status, and yield losses cause to
small grain crop yield losses in common chickweed
Potential of soil- and plant-applied adjuvants on efficacy of pre- and post-emergence
Development of teaching modules to support California’s specialty crops industry (CDFA
Specialty Crops Block Grant)
Biology, ecology, genetics, and management of Central Valley populations of common
waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) (CSU-ARI grant in collaboration with Dept. of Biology, Fresno State)
Using evolutionary genomics to probe agricultural invasiveness and adaptive evolution
in Amaranthus palmeri (USDA-AFRI Grant in collaboration with University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and
Dept. of Biology, Fresno State)
Rolled cover cropping systems (CIG Grant with multiple Universities)
Irrigation and tillage effects on agronomic and vegetable cropping systems (In collaboration
with PI Dr. J. Mitchell, UC Davis)
Cover cropping impacts on vineyard water demands and weed population dynamics (University
of California Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Grant)
Automatic rate control spray application system (John Deere Inc. Grant)
Effect of residual herbicides on sub-surface drip irrigated tomatoes (In collaboration
with PI Mr. K. Hembree, Univ. of California Cooperative Extension, Fresno)
Expanding the capacity and training of a new generation of California vegetable producers
(co-PI). CDFA-Specialty Crops Grant. (2016-2019).
Promoting undergraduate research in agriculture: opportunities for experiential learning
and a pathway to graduate studies (USDA-NIFA-NLGCA Grant)
Effect of shade and soil moisture level on the efficacy of selected postemergence
herbicides in control of junglerice (Echinochloa colona) (CSU-ARI Grant).
Effect of temperature on control of glyphosate-resistant populations of junglerice (Echinochloa colona) populations (CSU ARI Research Grant).
Mechanisms, distribution and invasion potential of glyphosate-resistant junglerice
and other summer grass weeds in California tree and vine cropping systems (In collaboration
with PI Dr. B. Hanson, UC Davis, CDFA Specialty Crops Block Grant)
Efficacy of automated thinners on lettuce and weeds (In collaboration with PI Mr.
R. Smith, Univ. of California Cooperative Extension, Monterey)
Sorghum as a dedicated low water and reduced input forage and biomass feedstock crop
for California (In collaboration with PI Dr. J. Dahlberg, UC KARE, UC ANR Grant)
Evaluation of San Joaquin Valley Palmer Amaranth populations for glyphosate tolerance
at various growth stages (In collaboration with Mr. S. Wright, Univ. of California
Cooperative Extension, Tulare)
Evaluation of saflufenacil on glyphosate-resistant and glyphosate-paraquat resistant
hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis) (CSU ARI Research Grant)
Crop yield and economics of San Joaquin Valley organic vineyards under alternative
weed management strategies (CSU ARI Research Grant)
Effect of ozone and moisture stress on selected Amaranthaceae species (In collaboration
with PI Dr. D. Grantz, UC Riverside)
Determination of multiple resistance in hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis) (CSU ARI Seed Grant)
Distribution of glyphosate-resistant and glyphosate-susceptible hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis) in central California and their phenological development (In collaboration with
PI Dr. Jasieniuk, UC Davis, USDA-NIFA-AFRI Grant)
Optimizing efficiencies, economics and weed management under solid-set subsurface
drip and overhead mechanized irrigation systems with flat-planted cropping systems
(UC/CSU/CCC Collaborative Research Grant)
Enhancement of pre-emergence herbicide activity with Aquatrols® surfactant in transplanted
tomatoes (Aquatrols Grant)
Effect of elevated carbon dioxide during the establishment phase of giant reed (Arundo donax) (Provost's Undergraduate Research Grant)
Crop yield and economics of San Joaquin Valley vineyards under alternative weed management
strategies (California Raisin Marketing Board and USDA Viticulture Consortium West
Stinger efficacy on weeds (Propane Education and Research Council Grant)