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The Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology

Colton Pricolo and his father

Plant Science Student Spotlight: Colton Pricolo 


(August 18, 2022) -- Fresno State senior Colton Pricolo is wrapping up another enjoyable and productive summer as a field scout intern with Bowles Farming Company, Inc.

It's his fourth year in that role working with a wide variety of commodities and following the path of his father, Wayne, who is also a PCA & #FresnoStateAlum (while his mother, Anisa, is also an alumna, with a sports medicine degree, too). 

The Los Banos native is also committed to serving the community as a volunteer firefighter and has completed an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) campus course. 

Learn what's ahead for the Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) fraternity member as he finishes his last plant science / crop production class this fall in this recent interview. 


Q: What is your current degree, and why are you drawn towards it?

Pricolo: "Plant science-crop production management. I was drawn towards this as my dad has been a Pest Control Adivsor (PCA) his entire life, and much of my childhood consisted of riding around in the truck with him checking fields and experiencing what he did day to day. The idea of the job interested me as I have always had a passion for agriculture, specifically production agriculture." 


Q: Why did you choose to attend Fresno State?

Pricolo: "I was accepted to all the schools I applied to, and initially did not think I would choose Fresno State. However, after visiting the different schools, Fresno State simply felt like a new home. One that was away from my real home and provided an exciting college experience, as well as an exceptional agriculture program focusing on the crops we grow right here in the Central Valley."


Q: Did you have any other family members that are Fresno State graduates?

Pricolo: "Both of my parents, Wayne and Anisa, are graduates of Fresno State. My father with a degree in Crop Science, and my mother with a degree in Sports Medicine."


Q: Which classes & faculty members have had the biggest influence on you while at Fresno State?

Pricolo: "I had four different classes with Jacob Hurst from my freshman year to senior year, and I appreciated his approachability and understanding of any situation. He always had a positive attitude and was very passionate about whatever the subject was he was teaching."


Q: Talk about any internships part-time jobs you've had while at Fresno State? 

Pricolo: "I have been fortunate to have an Internship with Bowles Farming Company out of Los Banos all four years I have been at Fresno State. My main title has been a field scout, however there have been various other areas I have worked in as well. At Bowles I worked with anywhere from 12-17 different crops depending on the year, which offered experience with a huge diversity of crops grown in the Central Valley. Everything from conventional and organic cotton and tomatoes, to alfalfa and corn, to pistachios and almonds, an assortment of melons and herbs, garlic and onions, native seed plants, and more." 


Q: How did these internships help you professionally, and what skills did you develop you can apply to your career?

Pricolo: "Throughout my internship I have grown both my professionalism and skill set level. Interaction with partners, representatives, as well as learning numerous “boots on the ground” skills to better prepare me for my career."  


Q: At the internship, what were some of the most memorable experiences?

Pricolo: "One was seeing how appreciative the company was towards their employees. Always checking in and asking if we needed anything, being generous with requests, and often showing their appreciation for us through events. It makes myself as an employee want to work as hard as I can, and learn more each and every day." 


Q: What was your background in agriculture before you started at Fresno State?

Pricolo: "My grandfather was involved in agriculture his entire life, whereas my mom was raised in the industry before becoming a teacher. My father being a PCA raised me directly in the agriculture industry. I also raised breeding and market lambs for 11 years, showing them at both county fairs, and jackpot shows, such as our own Red Wave. I was heavily involved in FFA throughout high school with my lamb projects, as well as numerous large ag mechanics exhibits."


Q: Have you received any scholarships related to campus, the Jordan College and/or Ag One?  

Pricolo: 'I was the recipient of AMVAC Chemicals Cotton Industry Advancement Scholarship." 


Q: Have you participated in any other outreach activities/events that benefited the community?

Pricolo: "Outside of all the activities and philanthropy events we participated at in AGR, I am also an auctioneer and have auctioneered for a few JCAST events, and numerous others in the area."


Q: Have you overcome any challenges to get where you are today that have shaped who you are?

Pricolo: "I look at every challenge as a hill to get over to see how strong you are. These hills push you and are just a part of life. Most notably through my college career was the switch to online learning during the pandemic. I am a very hands-on learner, and switching to everything online overnight was definitely a struggle for some time. However, it did offer me more time to be in the field of my internship and learning more there."


Q: What's your potential next career step, and how do you plan to use your degree eventually?

Pricolo: "Following my graduation, I plan on furthering my education in firefighting, as I have been a volunteer for 4+ years, by attending a fire academy. I also plan on taking my PCA test and obtaining my license, and working in that line." 

Colton Pricolo