Center For Irrigation Technology
Center for Irrigation Technology (CIT)
The Center for Irrigation Technology (CIT) supports developing and deploying technologies that will bring the world the most innovative products and resource management tools. The Center is built on a foundation of innovation and technology transfer focused on testing, applied research, and entrepreneurship. Since 1980, CIT staff has worked with the public and private sectors to advance irrigation, water, and energy technologies and management practices.
Advanced Pumping Efficiency Program (APEP)
The Advanced Pumping Efficiency Program (APEP) is CIT’s longest-running program. Funded by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), its purpose is to educate and promote electric savings through better and more efficient energy and water use. The goals are to get highly efficient hardware in the field (including subsidized pump testing) and to ensure this hardware is managed correctly through extensive in-person, live demonstration, virtual, and on-demand educational events. For more information, visit the APEP website.

Save the date!! 9th Annual Ag Tech Day coming on October 31st, 2025
This year marks not only the 9th annual Ag Tech Day but also 45 years for the Center for Irrigation Technology. Save the date and come celebrate CIT's 45th anniversary with us!! Read more...