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The Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology

Campus Viticulture Greenhouse Groundbreaking Event

Date: Friday, January 29

Time: 3:30-4:20 p.m.

Live Virtual Groundbreaking weblink:


Background: The event will be held on the footprint of the 30-foot by 30-foot greenhouse that will be located at the center of the campus viticulture and enology complex. The facility will allow students, staff and faculty to grow and graft an array of vines for industry-supported research projects and the University Agricultural Laboratory’s 120-acre vineyards. Project fundraising began nearly a decade ago by the Fresno Stat Viticulture Club, which worked with the Viticulture and Enology Department to work with alumni, industry partners and the Jordan College to meet its $250,000 ultimate goal (and included a recent $100,000 gift by Oro Agri, a campus research partner and international agrochemical company / more info).


Event Speakers: 

- Fresno State Interim President Dr. Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval

- Jordan College Dean Dr. Dennis Nef

- Viticulture and Enology Research Center Director Dr. Stephan Sommer

- Viticulture faculty Dr. Sonet Van Zyl

- Oro Agri North America Technical Manager Johan Coetzee

- Initial Project Donors John Duarte and John Arellano


Other Event Participants:

- Viticulture and Enology Department Chair Dr. Anil Shrestha

- Viticulture Club President Marnelle Salie

- Alumni/Past Viticulture Club President Steve Smith


Recent article: Oro Agri gift completes viticulture greenhouse fundraising (12/23/20)

Greenhouse diagram

* Diagrams of the new viticulture greenhouse that will be located just west of the Donald E. Gumz Enology Building research/campus winery area and south of the research annex (in an area that had previously stored equipment for the raisin dipping line).