The Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
A Message From the Dean
“You are the same today that you are going to be five years from now except for two
things: the people with whom you associate and the books you read.”
The words above come from Charles “Tremendous” Jones, publisher, motivator, and humorist.
He wasn’t talking about college, but he certainly described the essence of the college
experience. The time you spend with us at Fresno State will result in some of the
most profound changes you will ever go through in your life. Students in the Jordan
College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology have the opportunity to associate
with people who are experts in their respective fields, with fellow students who represent
diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and with leaders in the agriculture and related
sciences industries. You will have many opportunities to read books, some of which
will be assigned reading. But you will also have the opportunity to read books of
your choosing made available through the awesome Library collections. Administrators,
faculty and staff in the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology are
committed to giving you the best learning experiences possible in order for you to
be successful in your chosen field. We also promote many leadership development opportunities
for students, as we recognize that you are our future. In my role as Interim Dean,
students are my primary concern. I welcome students to stop by and chat with me about
their dreams and aspirations and to share their ideas for how the Jordan College of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology can further support the students’ academic experience.
One of my personal goals is to never stop learning and students have been some of
my best teachers!
-- Dean Dr. Sandra J. Witte