Department of Industrial Technology
National Association Of Industrial Technology (NAIT)
The National Association of Industrial Technology (NAIT) is the first student organization at California State University, Fresno to maintain their own department related Listserv. The NAIT Listserv is a communication tool for all NAIT members as well as department faculty and potentially industry employers.
If you are interested in subscribing to the NAIT Listserv, follow the directions provided below.
- Generate a new email message from your usual email program.
(If your browser is configured for use with email,
- In the "TO:" entry type the following:
- Please leave all other header entries (SUBJECT, CC, etc.)
- In the body of the message, type the following: "subscribe
[yourfirstname] [yourlastname]" (Where
[yourfirstname] and
[yourlastname] are replaced with your actual first and
last name.)
- Send the message without any other inclusions.
To unsubscribe to the listserv, simply follow the previous directions and substitute the subscribe command with unsubscribe.