Advanced Pumping Efficiency Program
Participate in the Educational Program
How can an Individual participate in the Program?
- Attend an education class- view the Event Calendar that lists dates and locations of upcoming classes or webinars - or call the Program office to find out when a class will be presented near you. Note that all classes are free of charge.
- Use the Knowledge Base on the web site - There is a library of technical papers that you can access for different types of information.
- Call the Program for free materials - the Program publishes literature explaining the four parts of the education message.
How can a Company or Group Participate?
The program is actively seeking partners to present the message of pumping efficiency to California agriculture. We can be part of one of your scheduled short courses or other events. We could invite you to be part of one of our scheduled classes. The Program message can be presented in whole or in part, and over any time frame required - from one hour to two days (we prefer at least a two-hour time block).
In addition to the four main topics discussed previously, we can also present concentrated sessions on variable frequency drives, obtaining and interpreting a pump efficiency test, seasonal irrigation scheduling, and evaluation of irrigation system performance. Call us if there are specific topics that you are interested in.