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Department of Food Science and Nutrition

Student Nutrition Dietetic Association

Student Nutrition Dietetics Association club, Fresno State Jordan College career fair

SNDA picture

What is the SNDA?
The Student Nutrition Dietetic Association (SNDA) is a student-run organization at California State University, Fresno. The SNDA’s goal is to promote and improve nutrition and wellness within students, faculty, and the community while also providing members with a professional setting to increase networking and exposure to the nutrition and dietetics field.

 Vision Statement: To offer beneficial volunteer and educational opportunities to help SNDA student members grow in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

Mission Statement: To inspire learning, promote and advocate knowledge, and cultivate our diverse community partnerships through the support of education.

Why join the SNDA?

In college you are essentially a Professional in Training (PIT). As a PIT, you are growing to become the best professional you can be. The SNDA offers exclusive and vital tools, workshops, and opportunities to help cultivate you and prepare you for success in the field.

 Here’s how:

  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Professional Workshops
  • Scholarship Opportunities
  • Top-notch Guest Speakers
  • Networking Skills and Opportunities
  • Resume Building
  • Peer Relationship Development
  • Awards

SNDA on Facebook:

SNDA on Twitter:

SNDA Website:

Position Officer
Advisor Lisa Herzig Ph.D, RD, CDE
President Claudia Lopez
President-Elect Ashley Diaz
Secretary Alejandra Amezola
Treasurer Rigoberto Chavez
Public Relations Meghan Eoff, Kaitlynn Watson
Event Coordinator Lisbet Villasenor
Fundraising Coordinator Alyssa Genny Himes