Graduate Laboratory
Animal Science Lab
This room is used for animal science
research, SEM sample preparation and special projects. The current
special project is an Air Resources board grant to determine
ammonia volatilization fertilizer applications and dairy
- Fume Hood
- Safety Eye wash/ Shower
- fire extinguisher
- Bomb calorimeter
- Fiber digester
- Incubator
- Near Infrared Spectrometer NIR
- Water bath
- Shaking water bath
- Sputter Coater for SEM samples
- Compound Microscope 40-1000x
- Vacuum oven
- DI water
- air, gas, vacuum
- Centrifuge (5000rpm)
- Circulating waterbath 1-80C
- Film Recorder- Slide Printer
- Animal blood tester
- refrigerator
- freezer
- Mac Quadra computer
- gel electrophoresis equipment
- Hot plate stirrer
- Ultrasonic water bath